Portland Supports HAF Programme

Notts Police showing a group of children VR tech

Portland is proud to support the Holiday Activities and Food Programme (HAF) which supports the well-being of children aged between 5-16 years by providing a range of fun activities and food during school holidays for eligible families.

The programme is funded by Nottinghamshire County Council and the Department for Education and is available for children who receive benefits-related free school meals.

During October half-term, the Woodland Adventure Zone hosted a group of children on a programme that ran for 5 days.

Children enjoyed time in the woods, activities on the climbing wall, lots of crafts, pumpkin carving and an exciting visit from Nottinghamshire Police.

The police attended with vehicles and drones and gave the children the opportunity to experience being inside a police car with the lights and sirens on. They supported the group with activities such as den building and hide and seek and everyone had great fun.

Book your woodland adventure todaywww.woodlandadventurezone.com 

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