Ways to support us

Only with funding from our generous supporters can we create outstanding opportunities, like our Woodland Adventure Zone

” I was quite nervous at first so didn’t go all the way up this morning, but this afternoon I pushed myself to get right to the top, and once I did it was such a great feeling!”

Jack Barker was one of our first learners in the early 1950s. Before joining Portland, he was a Wireless Operator and Air Gunner in Bomber Command during World War II. In 1945 Jack’s plane was hit over France and his injuries led to his leg being amputated.
Jack had fond memories of his time at Portland, which helped him with rehabilitation and developing new skills. After Portland he worked in his family’s shop in Mansfield with his sister Betty. He later went on to work for the Coal Board.
He was a keen sportsman and Scout Master who lived a happy and independent life in Mansfield.
Throughout their lives, Jack and Betty’s generosity and support of Portland continued.
Sadly Jack passed away in 1991. In respect of Jack’s wishes, Betty left a generous gift in her Will for Portland. When Betty sadly passed away in 2019, their lasting legacy went to support the Newstart development, a state-of-the-art theatre and sports facility.
Jack and Betty are remembered fondly through a dedicated seat in Newstart Theatre and a plaque in our Memorial Garden.
Portland Charity works with three key themes that directly address the challenges many people with disabilities face: Health and Wellbeing, Independence and Employability. So, where could your gift be spent?

Health & Well-being
Develop our fully inclusive Woodland Adventure Zone, to enhance well-being, grow confidence and provide equal opportunity.

Building independent flats on the main campus and refurbish current housing stock, to support independent living for people with a disability.

Help to continue our development of improved teaching facilities, both on the main campus and community hubs, just like our Trades Centre.
We will answer any questions honestly and quickly – just contact us at fundraising@portland.ac.uk
We won’t put you under any pressure – we know how big this decision is, so please do not feel pressured
We know your loved ones comes first – we fully respect that and we will never try to change it
We will respect your privacy – you don’t have to tell us your decision
We can arrange for you to come and see our services in action, just let us know
You will have a single point of contact – a designated fundraising specialist will be assigned to support you

Anyone who leaves a legacy will be remembered in our memorial gardens. As Portland is an open campus, your loved ones can visit at any time they wish.
It’s always a good idea to use a solicitor They will make sure your wishes are just as you want them, and can advise you on aspects such as the impact on inheritance tax.
Residuary gift Subject to the payment of my debts, funeral and testamentary expenses, I give the whole/__ % of my estate not otherwise disposed of by this my Will to Portland College, a charity registered in England and Wales (214339) of Nottingham Road, Mansfield, NG18 4TJ for its general purposes, and I declare that the receipt of its Treasurer or other proper officer shall be a full and sufficient discharge.
Pecuniary gift I give free of tax to Portland College, a charity registered in England and Wales (214339) of Nottingham Road, Mansfield, NG18 4TJ, the sum of £___ for its general purposes and I declare that the receipt of its Treasurer or other proper officer shall be a full and sufficient discharge.
Create Your Will Online for Free Online Wills and Probate solicitors KWIL are supporting our charity by giving you the opportunity to write your Will online for free. There are no obligations from using this service, however, there is an option to leave a gift to Portland if you choose to.
For more information on how to create your free online Will with KWIL click here.

It’s Phil Constantine here. Anyone who visits Portland will know me well for my volunteering work. I am often found creating areas of natural beauty in the 9-acre Woodland Adventure Zone for learners & citizens to enjoy.
Portland is my happy place. I work alongside some incredible people and I feel proud to be able to give something back to the community. It gives me great pleasure and inspiration when I am able to build rapport with beneficiaries, especially with individuals who struggle to interact initially. It is wonderful to be in a place where I see, first-hand, the impact Portland has on development of so many young people’s soft skills and confidence.
Providing a safe environment where individuals are encouraged and supported to develop their personal and professional skills, Portland empowers people of any ability to fulfil their potential. Whether that is flying down a zipline, reaching the top of the climbing tower or just having time and space to express themselves.
Not only does it support the beneficiaries, it also supports my well-being and provides a sense of purpose. I genuinely believe that the opportunity Portland offers to be out in the fresh air and embrace nature is really important to well-being.
That is why I am leaving a gift in my Will. To continue the exceptional support Portland has shown for its community, for almost 75 years. I want to be able to leave something behind to continue my impact, when I am no longer here to do it. My family are aware and fully supportive of my gift, because they know how much I believe in the impact that Portland has. It is my happy place, and I also hope it can be my resting place. I hope Portland will fulfill my ask, to have my ashes scattered in the Woodland Adventure Zone when I do pass away.
Your support can help Portland empower the next generation of people living with a disability!
Thank you, Phil.
I am Karen and I have been volunteering for Portland for over 10 years now; and it never ceases to amaze me how committed, passionate and caring the staff are. Whenever you walk on site, it just brings a sense of calm – and provides you with a “warm hug”. It really is a magical place to be.
Portland is not just a care facility or a campus; it’s a community. Portland’s vision, that all people with disabilities will have a lifetime of opportunity, is something the whole organisation is driven by. Every decision, every action and every penny spent is done so with the people they support at the forefront.
All the volunteering I do at Portland really does provide me with a sense of purpose and makes me feel good; especially when I have opportunity to raise money to provide outstanding facilities and projects that support employability, independence and health and well-being of the individuals they support.
If you have never been, I suggest you visit. You really need to experience the feeling you get on site to gain an understanding of the experience they provide – the Portland Coffee Shop is pretty good too.

What a lot of people don’t realise about Portland, is that it is a charity. It does receive funding from the Local Authority to deliver care and education services. However, the additional health and well-being support, extra-curricular activities and outstanding facilities are often reliant on the funding from external sources.
These additional provisions are what makes Portland so magical and impactful. Your support can provide Portland with funding to empower the next generation of people living with a disability!
Thank you, Karen

We are Steve and Sue, a couple local to Portland. Both of us have left a gift in our Will for Portland, to support the invaluable work they do.
We began our connection with Portland a few years ago, through providing financial support to one of its residents. Helping them to achieve their dream of competing in ice skating competitions across the world. However, we weren’t aware of the breath of wonderful work Portland do to support around 1000 direct beneficiaries living with disability, each year. And, we certainly weren’t aware of their charity status.
One day in late 2022, we were looking for a local venue to practice our dancing. We heard Portland has recently built a state-of-the-art Theatre and Sports Hall. So, we went to try it out. Not only did we experience the wonderful facility, we came to understand the extent of the impact of Portland’s services, and that fundraising income financed 80% of this amazing facility.
We believe that part that makes Portland so unique, is the community feeling, warmth and happiness of staff and beneficiaries which is clear to see every time we are on campus. We have a personal mission: to leave a legacy and be remembered for using our fortunate position to support those who are less fortunate than ourselves. We want to be able to provide support that empowers others to reach their potential and live their lives to the fullest.
That is why we have left a gift in our Will for Portland. We know Portland will use our gift in the most impactful way possible, to tackle challenges such as Disability Employability Gap, mental ill-health and accessibility.
This is the first time we have made ourselves publicly known for mental health support. We have never wanted recognition but, we understand that putting a real face to an ask like this is vitally important.
That is how strongly we believe Portland’s work is invaluable. They are an unsung hero of our community. Your community!
Leaving a gift in a Will is a personal choice people have to make. Helping benefit those who are not always in a position to help themselves is a good thing to do.
Your support can help Portland empower the next generation of people living with a disability!
Thank you, Steve & Sue